Tuesday, July 29, 2008

For the love of sewing...

Like many who enjoy this craft, I. love. to. sew. Period. To me, a perfect day includes at least a few hours in my sewing room, cranking out a new garment or two. Of course there are times when I have just a few minutes to spare and I'll organize some fabric, or plan which pattern I will sew next.

My sewing room is much too small to properly accommodate all of my materials, tools and equipment because I also crochet, design jewelry, and dabble in beginner knitting from time to time. The entire closet is full of fabrics, yarns, and bins of notions. The bookshelf contains a library of reference books for all of my crafts, as well as containers of more notions. Still, I'm very thankful to have this space dedicated to my crafts.

For the love of sewing, my house is not as tidy as I would like, and I don't get as much exercise as I would like, but I always have the perfect outfit for just about any occasion, and if I don't I can always make one up without spending a fortune or hours at the mall.

For the love of sewing, I have a large stash of fabric, much of it unorganized at any given time. In an effort to do better, I have set the following goals for myself:

  • sew all fabric stash between now and December 31, 2008;

  • utlilize more trims in my sewing;

  • stick to my "fabric diet" until a maximum of 10 yards of fabric remain in my stash;

  • obtain a mannequin to assist in fitting and garment display for photos.

Pretty lofty, eh? Yeah, but with God all things are possible. Now if only I can stay off Patternreview. com and my favorite sewing blogs long enough to accomplish the above!

Please bear with me as I get this blog up and running.

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